Write the FBI and request, by name and file number, the one or ones you are interested in under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (5 USC 552). For best results use our sample letter as a template. The FBI’s address is:
Records Information Dissemination Section
170 Marcel Drive
Winchester, VA 22602-4843
If you are requesting files on an individual you will need to include the individual’s birth date and proof that the individual is deceased or is more than 110 years old. Acceptable proof could be a copy of an obituary, death notice, news story, Social Security Death Index (SSDI) record printout, or encyclopedia entry. Wikipedia is not acceptable to the FBI.
List which files you want, mention if you are a member of the press, and tell the FBI that you agree to pay reasonable fees up to $30 without additional permission so that they can process your request. In some cases, members of the media can request and receive a waiver of fees otherwise charged under FOIA. To receive a fee waiver, members of the media must explain to the FBI how release of the information will further public understanding of how government works, and how you intend to disseminate that information. Standard copying fees for FBI Freedom of Information material are 10¢/page, with the first 100 pages free. Again, we urge you to use our carefully worded sample letter as a template.
The information contained in
Secret No More
was obtained and developed by:
Michael J. Ravnitzky
NAACP | HQ-0610003176 |
NAACP | LA-1050005589 |
NAACP | LA-1900000552 |
NAACP | NY-1000007629 |
Nacvalac, Miroslav | HQ-1050042480 |
Nader, Ralph versus General Motors | HQ-0720001733 |
NY-072-195 | |
Naeve, Lowell L – WW2 Draft Resistor | HQ-0250025107 |
Napoles, Jose Q T – Omega 7 Group | HQ-1050253891 |
Napoli, James | HQ-1680000012 |
Nash, Frank | HQ-0090048796 |
Nash, Frank | HQ-0260043484 |
Nash, Frank | HQ-0260171286 |
Nash, Frank | HQ-0260349409 |
Nash, Frank | HQ-0290013429 |
Nash, Frank | HQ-0460049791 |
Nash, Frank – Kansas City Massacre sub1 | HQ-0620028915 |
Nat’l Mobil. Comm. End War Viet., ’62-70 | HQ-0620111181 |
Nat’l Mobilization Comm. End War Vietnam | HQ-0620117166 |
Nathan, Dr. Mich – Killed in Anti-Klan | HQ-0440081521 |
Nathan, Otto | HQ-1000356921 |
Nathan, Robt -Brit. Intelligence & For Offc | HQ-0620058819 |
Nation Magazine | HQ-0610000901 |
Nation Magazine | HQ-0610000901 |
Nation Magazine | HQ-0650077094 |
Nation of Islam | HQ-0440020427 |
Nation of Islam | HQ-0440012584 |
Nation of Islam | HQ-0280003946 |
Nation of Islam | HQ-1570031102 |
Nation of Islam | HQ-1740006212 |
Nation of Islam | HQ-1340007640 |
Nation of Islam | AT-100-4593 |
Nation of Islam | WFO-100-22829 |
Nation of Islam | WFO-157-2955 |
Nation of Islam | CG-100-35635 |
Nation of Islam | CG-157-5375 |
Nation of Islam | CG-157-5375 |
Nation of Islam | NY-170-354 |
Nation of Islam | NY-157-5139 |
National Alliance | HQ-1570031762 |
National Alliance Against Racist Pol. Repr. | HQ-1000474380 |
National Archives and Records Administrat. | HQ-0660019149 |
National Association of Manufacturers | HQ-1190000061 |
National Association of Manufacturers | HQ-0940000001 |
ID#19699 | |
National Association of Manufacturers | HQ-1050108451 |
National Blue Star Mothers of America | HQ-1000054502 |
National Bronze & Aluminum Founding Co | HQ-0980012282 |
National Cattle Theft Act – Interesting Case | HQ-0260063252 |
National Cattle Theft Act – Interesting Case | HQ-1030000017 |
National Caucus of Labor Committees | HQ-0620116834 |
National Caucus of Labor Committees | HQ-0620116727 |
National Caucus of Labor Committees | HQ-1850000489 |
National Caucus of Labor Committees | HQ-1000457751 |
National Caucus of Labor Committees | HQ-0090060985 |
National Caucus of Labor Committees | HQ-0290085589 |
National Caucus of Labor Committees | HQ-0620116156 |
National Caucus of Labor Committees | NY-0650075826 |
National Caucus of Labor Committees | NY-0650026334 |
National Comm. Sane Nuclear Policy | NY-1000133090 |
National Committee to Abolish HUAC | HQ-1000433447 |
National Fascist Party | HQ-1000000462 |
National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan | HQ-1570032937 |
AT-157-168 | |
National Lawyers Guild | HQ-0940000001 |
sub 6780 | |
National Lawyers Guild | HQ-1000007321 |
National Lawyers Guild | NY-100-769 |
National Lawyers Guild | HQ-0620117572 |
National Maritime Union | HQ-1590002979 |
National Metal Trades Association | HQ-1900023744 |
National Miners Union | HQ-1900023744 |
National Mobilization Committee | HQ-0620112989 |
National Negro Congress | HQ-0500001477 |
National Negro Congress | HQ-0610006728 |
National Negro Labor Council Cinn 1950 | HQ-1000367632 |
ID No. 983 | |
National Organization for Women (NOW) | HQ-0620000000 |
ID No. 83344 | |
National Organization for Women (NOW) | HQ-0950000005 |
ID No. 85921 | |
National Organization for Women (NOW) | HQ-1000453233 |
ID No. 185 | |
National Party Puerto Rico – Maj Terror Grp | HQ-0620007721 |
NY-1000007689 | |
National Peace Action Coalition | HQ-1000460998 |
National Security Council | HQ-0620085205 |
National Socialist Liberation Front | HQ-1570031535 |
National Socialist Party of America | HQ-1570018119 |
National Socialist White People’s Party | HQ-1050070374 |
National Socialist White People’s Party | HQ-0090055701 |
National Socialist White People’s Party | HQ-0520102251 |
National Socialist White People’s Party | HQ-0970005525 |
National Socialist White People’s Party | HQ-0090049937 |
National Socialist White People’s Party | LA-1570000009 |
National Socialist White People’s Party | AX-1570000001 |
National States Rights Party | HQ-1730001812 |
National States Rights Party | HQ-0440029868 |
National States Rights Party | HQ-1050066233 |
National States Rights Party | HQ-1760001347 |
National Steel and Shipbuilding Company | HQ-0980045486 |
National Steel and Shipbuilding Company | HQ-1730009690 |
National Steel and Shipbuilding Company | HQ-0980047010 |
National Steel and Shipbuilding Company | HQ-0980046425 |
National Steel and Shipbuilding Company | HQ-1740008780 |
National Steel and Shipbuilding Company | HQ-0090064719 |
National Steel and Shipbuilding Company | HQ-0980046107 |
National United Comm. Free Angela Davis | HQ-1000461537 |
National Womens Party | HQ-0620002397 |
Natl. Comm. Defense of Political Prisoners | HQ-1570022730 |
Natl. Comm. Defense of Political Prisoners | NY-1000007685 |
Natl. Comm. Defense of Political Prisoners | NY-1000022730 |
Navarro, Antonio | HQ-0320018177 |
Navmur Ambush navy Staff in Puerto Rico | HQ-1830001022 |
Major Case #24 | |
Nazi Groups in Los Angeles | LA-0620001054 |
Nazi Groups in Los Angeles | LA-0620001468 |
Nazi Groups in Los Angeles | LA-1000001005 |
Nazi Military Camps in the U.S., 1937-38 | HQ-0610007560 |
Nazi Party in the United States | HQ-0090008518 |
Nazi Party in the United States | HQ-1000025208 |
Nazi Party in the United States | HQ-1570000600 |
Nazi Party in the United States | HQ-0090061300 |
Nazi Party in the United States | HQ-1050070374 |
Nazi Party in the United States | HQ-0090062680 |
Nazi Sympathizers, Pre-World War 2 | HQ-0650001413 |
Nef, Walter | HQ-1000402047 |
Negro News Syndicate Pro-Japanese | HQ-0970000781 |
Negro Question | NY-1000080640 |
Negro Situation | LA-1000024345 |
Negro Student Sit-In Demonstrations | HQ-1570000038 |
Nelson, Baby Face | HQ-0910000057 |
Nelson, Baby Face 1930’s Gangster | HQ-0620029777 |
Nelson, Craig Anthony | HQ-1820004534 |
Nelson, Jerry Weaver | HQ-0260321722 |
Nelson, Jerry Weaver | HQ-0260260958 |
Nelson, Jerry Weaver | HQ-0760030005 |
Nelson, Jerry Weaver – BOPNO | HQ-0440045431 |
Neputy, Pete | HQ-1000372633 |
ID No. 12 | |
Nerrick vs Nittany et al | HQ-0750001331 |
Nesline, Jos Francis – DC Gambler | HQ-0920003000 |
WFO-0920000081 | |
New American Movement | HQ-1000463701 |
New Century Publishers | HQ-1000024621 |
NY-1000010989 | |
New Left Movement -Internal Security Misc | HQ-1000446997 |
New Libya Clev -Black Natl Group – 1968 | HQ-1570009687 |
New Order of the KKK | HQ-1570033814 |
New Orleans Movement for Democratic Soc | HQ-1000439048 |
Sub 33 | |
New Republic Magazine | HQ-0940000003 |
ID No. 4-Sub 690 | |
New World Liberation Front | SF-1740001301 |
New World Liberation Front | HQ-1000485263 |
New World Liberation Front | HQ-1740005826 |
New World Liberation Front | HQ-1740007678 |
New World Liberation Front | HQ-1740006770 |
New World Liberation Front | HQ-1740007718 |
New World Liberation Front | HQ-1740007744 |
New World Liberation Front | HQ-1740008059 |
New World Liberation Front | HQ-1740007469 |
New World Liberation Front | HQ-1740007510 |
New World of Islam, B. Robb in NCC | HQ-1570030689 |
New World of Islam, B. Robb in NCC? | HQ-0910085195 |
NK-0910017407 | |
New York Port Survey | HQ-0990006121 |
New York Resistance | HQ-0620112989 |
Newton, Huey | HQ-1050165429 |
Newton, Huey | HQ-0620117442 |
Newton, Huey | HQ-0880069741 |
Newton, Huey | HQ-0920014778 |
Newton, Huey | HQ-0090065583 |
Newton, Huey | HQ-1900009340 |
Newton, Huey | HQ-0920012718 |
Newton, Huey | HQ-0920013682 |
Newton, Huey | LA-1570002091 |
Newton, Perry Baird | HQ-0260063065 |
Nickerson, Mark | HQ-1000330327 |
Niebuhr, Reinhold | HQ-1000007629 |
sub C | |
Niebuhr, Reinhold | HQ-1610002332 |
Niebuhr, Reinhold | HQ-1210033418 |
Niebuhr, Reinhold | HQ-0770017305 |
Nipper, Joseph – Black Muslim | HQ-0250078931 |
Nitti, Frank | HQ-0150055054 |
Nitti, Frank | HQ-0870090816 |
Nitti, Frank | HQ-0910024596 |
Nitti, Frank | HQ-0910016916 |
Nitti, Frank | HQ-0880071144 |
Nitti, Frank | HQ-1660004430 |
Nitti, Frank | HQ-0600002149 |
Nitti, Frank | HQ-0620024090 |
Nitti, Frank | HQ-0690000180 |
Nitti, Frank | HQ-0920029478 |
Nitti, Frank | HQ-0880080777 |
Nitti, Frank | HQ-1830003316 |
Nitti, Frank | HQ-0150055589 |
Nitti, Frank | HQ-0870145593 |
Nitti, Frank | HQ-0910016916 |
Nitti, Frank | HQ-0260362026 |
Nitti, Frank | HQ-0490000147 |
Nitti, Frank | HQ-0600002149 |
Nix, Abrose Arthur Gouch | HQ-0260037305 |
Nixon, E.D. – Black Organizer Mont Al | HQ-0440044467 |
Nixon, Raphael | HQ-0670207349 |
Nixon, Raphael | HQ-1000396087 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1050206908 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090050689 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090050552 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090049510 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090049322 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090048020 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090042665 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090042402 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090037986 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090038510 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0890002543 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0890002494 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0620109119 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0620088461 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0670102459 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0630016062 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0620117572 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0430016934 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1740007416 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1740004201 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1570032592 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1570000182 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1050251349 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0620112591 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0620112738 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0890004323 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0890002915 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0620112738 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0620106136 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0620117353 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0620116132 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090033409 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090053189 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090052679 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090052513 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090052248 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090051641 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090051552 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090051506 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090051417 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090051412 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090051295 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090051163 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090050735 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000080 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1490001501 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090052983 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0950160378 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0890002476 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0580002619 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0560002492 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0560002450 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0460050152 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090053811 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090052467 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090052276 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000146 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000131 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000112 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000110 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000108 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000107 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000101 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000100 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000094 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000087 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000081 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090052276 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000164 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000163 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000091 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000205 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000203 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000197 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000193 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000185 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000160 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1750000143 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1000076204 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1000055087 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1000045725 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090005381 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-0090004997 |
Nixon, Richard Milhous | HQ-1000081579 |
NMAU | HQ-1960000506 |
NMAU | HQ-1000120818 |
NMIU | HQ-0610006965 |
Noble, Robert | HQ-1000046225 |
Nolan, Ballard French – Bank Rob Escape | HQ-0760000001 |
Nolan, Ballard French – Bank Rob Escape | HQ-0760018438 |
Nolan, Ballard French – Bank Rob Escape | HQ-0910005710 |
Nolan, Joseph Wayne | HQ-0910005710 |
Nolan, Joseph Wayne | HQ-0760018438 |
Normandie -French Ship as USS West Point | HQ-0980000074 |
Norris, George | HQ-1000071274 |
Norris, George | HQ-1160340953 |
Norris, George | HQ-1900023744 |
North African Parts Sabotage | HQ-0980024215 |
North American Aviation Strike – 1941 | HQ-0610007562 |
North American Comm Aid Spanish Democ | HQ-1000007058 |
North Carolina Knights of the KKK | HQ-1570018601 |
Northwest Passage – Seattle Paper | HQ-1000453268 |
Norton, Theodore C. | HQ-1000240143 |
Nosenko, Yuri – Hoover’s Briefing of Pres. | HQ-0940057090 |
Nosenko, Yuri – Soviet Defector | HQ-0650068530 |
Not Recorded Case in Specific File Room | HQ-0660017404 |
Novikoff, Alex Benji | HQ-1000198015 |
Nowy Swiat – New York Polish Newspaper | HQ-0920002554 |
Nuaro Nickel Plant Cuba | HQ-0460024201 |
WFO-0460003655 | |
Nuclear Medicine, Prominent Leaders | CG-1160053619 |
Nunan, Joseph D Jr. | HQ-0460014566 |
Nuncie, Herbert Victor – Jeh Witness Co. | HQ-0250097092 |
Nuorteva, Santerri – CPUSA 1919-1920 | HQ-0610000242 |
Nussbaum, Albert Frederick | HQ-0910014172 |
NY-0910002748 | |
WFO-0910001355 | |
NY City Police Civil Rights Inves 1952-53 | HQ-062009652 |
NY-0620029734 | |
NY State Teamsters Welfare Trust Fund | AL-1830000379 |
Nye, Gerald P. – U.S. Senator | HQ-0090008371 |
Nye, Gerald P. – U.S. Senator | HQ-0580001912 |
Nye, Gerald P. – U.S. Senator | HQ-0620062179 |
Nye, Gerald P. – U.S. Senator | HQ-0620048407 |