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Secret No More: N



Write the FBI and request, by name and file number, the one or ones you are interested in under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (5 USC 552). For best results use our sample letter as a template. The FBI’s address is:

Records Information Dissemination Section
170 Marcel Drive
Winchester, VA 22602-4843

If you are requesting files on an individual you will need to include the individual’s birth date and proof that the individual is deceased or is more than 110 years old. Acceptable proof could be a copy of an obituary, death notice, news story, Social Security Death Index (SSDI) record printout, or encyclopedia entry. Wikipedia is not acceptable to the FBI.

List which files you want, mention if you are a member of the press, and tell the FBI that you agree to pay reasonable fees up to $30 without additional permission so that they can process your request. In some cases, members of the media can request and receive a waiver of fees otherwise charged under FOIA. To receive a fee waiver, members of the media must explain to the FBI how release of the information will further public understanding of how government works, and how you intend to disseminate that information. Standard copying fees for FBI Freedom of Information material are 10¢/page, with the first 100 pages free. Again, we urge you to use our carefully worded sample letter as a template.

The information contained in
Secret No More
was obtained and developed by:

Michael J. Ravnitzky

NAACP HQ-0610003176
NAACP LA-1050005589
NAACP LA-1900000552
NAACP NY-1000007629
Nacvalac, Miroslav HQ-1050042480
Nader, Ralph versus General Motors HQ-0720001733
Naeve, Lowell L – WW2 Draft Resistor HQ-0250025107
Napoles, Jose Q T – Omega 7 Group HQ-1050253891
Napoli, James HQ-1680000012
Nash, Frank HQ-0090048796
Nash, Frank HQ-0260043484
Nash, Frank HQ-0260171286
Nash, Frank HQ-0260349409
Nash, Frank HQ-0290013429
Nash, Frank HQ-0460049791
Nash, Frank – Kansas City Massacre sub1 HQ-0620028915
Nat’l Mobil. Comm. End War Viet., ’62-70 HQ-0620111181
Nat’l Mobilization Comm. End War Vietnam HQ-0620117166
Nathan, Dr. Mich – Killed in Anti-Klan HQ-0440081521
Nathan, Otto HQ-1000356921
Nathan, Robt -Brit. Intelligence & For Offc HQ-0620058819
Nation Magazine HQ-0610000901
Nation Magazine HQ-0610000901
Nation Magazine HQ-0650077094
Nation of Islam HQ-0440020427
Nation of Islam HQ-0440012584
Nation of Islam HQ-0280003946
Nation of Islam HQ-1570031102
Nation of Islam HQ-1740006212
Nation of Islam HQ-1340007640
Nation of Islam AT-100-4593
Nation of Islam WFO-100-22829
Nation of Islam WFO-157-2955
Nation of Islam CG-100-35635
Nation of Islam CG-157-5375
Nation of Islam CG-157-5375
Nation of Islam NY-170-354
Nation of Islam NY-157-5139
National Alliance HQ-1570031762
National Alliance Against Racist Pol. Repr. HQ-1000474380
National Archives and Records Administrat. HQ-0660019149
National Association of Manufacturers HQ-1190000061
National Association of Manufacturers HQ-0940000001
National Association of Manufacturers HQ-1050108451
National Blue Star Mothers of America HQ-1000054502
National Bronze & Aluminum Founding Co HQ-0980012282
National Cattle Theft Act – Interesting Case HQ-0260063252
National Cattle Theft Act – Interesting Case HQ-1030000017
National Caucus of Labor Committees HQ-0620116834
National Caucus of Labor Committees HQ-0620116727
National Caucus of Labor Committees HQ-1850000489
National Caucus of Labor Committees HQ-1000457751
National Caucus of Labor Committees HQ-0090060985
National Caucus of Labor Committees HQ-0290085589
National Caucus of Labor Committees HQ-0620116156
National Caucus of Labor Committees NY-0650075826
National Caucus of Labor Committees NY-0650026334
National Comm. Sane Nuclear Policy NY-1000133090
National Committee to Abolish HUAC HQ-1000433447
National Fascist Party HQ-1000000462
National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan HQ-1570032937
National Lawyers Guild HQ-0940000001
  sub 6780
National Lawyers Guild HQ-1000007321
National Lawyers Guild NY-100-769
National Lawyers Guild HQ-0620117572
National Maritime Union HQ-1590002979
National Metal Trades Association HQ-1900023744
National Miners Union HQ-1900023744
National Mobilization Committee HQ-0620112989
National Negro Congress HQ-0500001477
National Negro Congress HQ-0610006728
National Negro Labor Council Cinn 1950 HQ-1000367632
  ID No. 983
National Organization for Women (NOW) HQ-0620000000
  ID No. 83344
National Organization for Women (NOW) HQ-0950000005
  ID No. 85921
National Organization for Women (NOW) HQ-1000453233
  ID No. 185
National Party Puerto Rico – Maj Terror Grp HQ-0620007721
National Peace Action Coalition HQ-1000460998
National Security Council HQ-0620085205
National Socialist Liberation Front HQ-1570031535
National Socialist Party of America HQ-1570018119
National Socialist White People’s Party HQ-1050070374
National Socialist White People’s Party HQ-0090055701
National Socialist White People’s Party HQ-0520102251
National Socialist White People’s Party HQ-0970005525
National Socialist White People’s Party HQ-0090049937
National Socialist White People’s Party LA-1570000009
National Socialist White People’s Party AX-1570000001
National States Rights Party HQ-1730001812
National States Rights Party HQ-0440029868
National States Rights Party HQ-1050066233
National States Rights Party HQ-1760001347
National Steel and Shipbuilding Company HQ-0980045486
National Steel and Shipbuilding Company HQ-1730009690
National Steel and Shipbuilding Company HQ-0980047010
National Steel and Shipbuilding Company HQ-0980046425
National Steel and Shipbuilding Company HQ-1740008780
National Steel and Shipbuilding Company HQ-0090064719
National Steel and Shipbuilding Company HQ-0980046107
National United Comm. Free Angela Davis HQ-1000461537
National Womens Party HQ-0620002397
Natl. Comm. Defense of Political Prisoners HQ-1570022730
Natl. Comm. Defense of Political Prisoners NY-1000007685
Natl. Comm. Defense of Political Prisoners NY-1000022730
Navarro, Antonio HQ-0320018177
Navmur Ambush navy Staff in Puerto Rico HQ-1830001022
  Major Case #24
Nazi Groups in Los Angeles LA-0620001054
Nazi Groups in Los Angeles LA-0620001468
Nazi Groups in Los Angeles LA-1000001005
Nazi Military Camps in the U.S., 1937-38 HQ-0610007560
Nazi Party in the United States HQ-0090008518
Nazi Party in the United States HQ-1000025208
Nazi Party in the United States HQ-1570000600
Nazi Party in the United States HQ-0090061300
Nazi Party in the United States HQ-1050070374
Nazi Party in the United States HQ-0090062680
Nazi Sympathizers, Pre-World War 2 HQ-0650001413
Nef, Walter HQ-1000402047
Negro News Syndicate Pro-Japanese HQ-0970000781
Negro Question NY-1000080640
Negro Situation LA-1000024345
Negro Student Sit-In Demonstrations HQ-1570000038
Nelson, Baby Face HQ-0910000057
Nelson, Baby Face 1930’s Gangster HQ-0620029777
Nelson, Craig Anthony HQ-1820004534
Nelson, Jerry Weaver HQ-0260321722
Nelson, Jerry Weaver HQ-0260260958
Nelson, Jerry Weaver HQ-0760030005
Nelson, Jerry Weaver – BOPNO HQ-0440045431
Neputy, Pete HQ-1000372633
  ID No. 12
Nerrick vs Nittany et al HQ-0750001331
Nesline, Jos Francis – DC Gambler HQ-0920003000
New American Movement HQ-1000463701
New Century Publishers HQ-1000024621
New Left Movement -Internal Security Misc HQ-1000446997
New Libya Clev -Black Natl Group – 1968 HQ-1570009687
New Order of the KKK HQ-1570033814
New Orleans Movement for Democratic Soc HQ-1000439048
  Sub 33
New Republic Magazine HQ-0940000003
  ID No. 4-Sub 690
New World Liberation Front SF-1740001301
New World Liberation Front HQ-1000485263
New World Liberation Front HQ-1740005826
New World Liberation Front HQ-1740007678
New World Liberation Front HQ-1740006770
New World Liberation Front HQ-1740007718
New World Liberation Front HQ-1740007744
New World Liberation Front HQ-1740008059
New World Liberation Front HQ-1740007469
New World Liberation Front HQ-1740007510
New World of Islam, B. Robb in NCC HQ-1570030689
New World of Islam, B. Robb in NCC? HQ-0910085195
New York Port Survey HQ-0990006121
New York Resistance HQ-0620112989
Newton, Huey HQ-1050165429
Newton, Huey HQ-0620117442
Newton, Huey HQ-0880069741
Newton, Huey HQ-0920014778
Newton, Huey HQ-0090065583
Newton, Huey HQ-1900009340
Newton, Huey HQ-0920012718
Newton, Huey HQ-0920013682
Newton, Huey LA-1570002091
Newton, Perry Baird HQ-0260063065
Nickerson, Mark HQ-1000330327
Niebuhr, Reinhold HQ-1000007629
  sub C
Niebuhr, Reinhold HQ-1610002332
Niebuhr, Reinhold HQ-1210033418
Niebuhr, Reinhold HQ-0770017305
Nipper, Joseph – Black Muslim HQ-0250078931
Nitti, Frank HQ-0150055054
Nitti, Frank HQ-0870090816
Nitti, Frank HQ-0910024596
Nitti, Frank HQ-0910016916
Nitti, Frank HQ-0880071144
Nitti, Frank HQ-1660004430
Nitti, Frank HQ-0600002149
Nitti, Frank HQ-0620024090
Nitti, Frank HQ-0690000180
Nitti, Frank HQ-0920029478
Nitti, Frank HQ-0880080777
Nitti, Frank HQ-1830003316
Nitti, Frank HQ-0150055589
Nitti, Frank HQ-0870145593
Nitti, Frank HQ-0910016916
Nitti, Frank HQ-0260362026
Nitti, Frank HQ-0490000147
Nitti, Frank HQ-0600002149
Nix, Abrose Arthur Gouch HQ-0260037305
Nixon, E.D. – Black Organizer Mont Al HQ-0440044467
Nixon, Raphael HQ-0670207349
Nixon, Raphael HQ-1000396087
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1050206908
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090050689
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090050552
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090049510
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090049322
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090048020
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090042665
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090042402
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090037986
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090038510
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0890002543
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0890002494
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0620109119
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0620088461
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0670102459
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0630016062
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0620117572
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0430016934
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1740007416
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1740004201
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1570032592
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1570000182
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1050251349
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0620112591
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0620112738
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0890004323
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0890002915
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0620112738
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0620106136
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0620117353
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0620116132
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090033409
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090053189
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090052679
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090052513
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090052248
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090051641
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090051552
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090051506
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090051417
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090051412
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090051295
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090051163
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090050735
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000080
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1490001501
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090052983
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0950160378
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0890002476
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0580002619
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0560002492
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0560002450
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0460050152
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090053811
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090052467
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090052276
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000146
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000131
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000112
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000110
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000108
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000107
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000101
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000100
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000094
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000087
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000081
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090052276
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000164
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000163
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000091
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000205
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000203
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000197
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000193
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000185
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000160
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1750000143
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1000076204
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1000055087
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1000045725
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090005381
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-0090004997
Nixon, Richard Milhous HQ-1000081579
NMAU HQ-1960000506
NMAU HQ-1000120818
NMIU HQ-0610006965
Noble, Robert HQ-1000046225
Nolan, Ballard French – Bank Rob Escape HQ-0760000001
Nolan, Ballard French – Bank Rob Escape HQ-0760018438
Nolan, Ballard French – Bank Rob Escape HQ-0910005710
Nolan, Joseph Wayne HQ-0910005710
Nolan, Joseph Wayne HQ-0760018438
Normandie -French Ship as USS West Point HQ-0980000074
Norris, George HQ-1000071274
Norris, George HQ-1160340953
Norris, George HQ-1900023744
North African Parts Sabotage HQ-0980024215
North American Aviation Strike – 1941 HQ-0610007562
North American Comm Aid Spanish Democ HQ-1000007058
North Carolina Knights of the KKK HQ-1570018601
Northwest Passage – Seattle Paper HQ-1000453268
Norton, Theodore C. HQ-1000240143
Nosenko, Yuri – Hoover’s Briefing of Pres. HQ-0940057090
Nosenko, Yuri – Soviet Defector HQ-0650068530
Not Recorded Case in Specific File Room HQ-0660017404
Novikoff, Alex Benji HQ-1000198015
Nowy Swiat – New York Polish Newspaper HQ-0920002554
Nuaro Nickel Plant Cuba HQ-0460024201
Nuclear Medicine, Prominent Leaders CG-1160053619
Nunan, Joseph D Jr. HQ-0460014566
Nuncie, Herbert Victor – Jeh Witness Co. HQ-0250097092
Nuorteva, Santerri – CPUSA 1919-1920 HQ-0610000242
Nussbaum, Albert Frederick HQ-0910014172
NY City Police Civil Rights Inves 1952-53 HQ-062009652
NY State Teamsters Welfare Trust Fund AL-1830000379
Nye, Gerald P. – U.S. Senator HQ-0090008371
Nye, Gerald P. – U.S. Senator HQ-0580001912
Nye, Gerald P. – U.S. Senator HQ-0620062179
Nye, Gerald P. – U.S. Senator HQ-0620048407