Write the FBI and request, by name and file number, the one or ones you are interested in under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (5 USC 552). For best results use our sample letter as a template. The FBI’s address is:
Records Information Dissemination Section
170 Marcel Drive
Winchester, VA 22602-4843
If you are requesting files on an individual you will need to include the individual’s birth date and proof that the individual is deceased or is more than 110 years old. Acceptable proof could be a copy of an obituary, death notice, news story, Social Security Death Index (SSDI) record printout, or encyclopedia entry. Wikipedia is not acceptable to the FBI.
List which files you want, mention if you are a member of the press, and tell the FBI that you agree to pay reasonable fees up to $30 without additional permission so that they can process your request. In some cases, members of the media can request and receive a waiver of fees otherwise charged under FOIA. To receive a fee waiver, members of the media must explain to the FBI how release of the information will further public understanding of how government works, and how you intend to disseminate that information. Standard copying fees for FBI Freedom of Information material are 10¢/page, with the first 100 pages free. Again, we urge you to use our carefully worded sample letter as a template.
The information contained in
Secret No More
was obtained and developed by:
Michael J. Ravnitzky
Kahane, Meir – JDL | HQ-0620115019 |
Kahane, Meir – JDL | HQ-0620112767 |
Kahane, Meir – JDL | HQ-1050207795 |
LA-1050029629 | |
Kahane, Meir – JDL | NY-0020000760 |
Kai, Heimusha | HQ-0970001160 |
Kaltenbach, Frederick W. – WW2 Treason | HQ-0650006568 |
Kalustian Case, Elect. Surv. | HQ-1000366694 |
LA-1000025919 | |
Kamen, Martin | HQ-0020088217 |
Kamin, Leon | HQ-1000356771 |
Kampiles, William – Espionage, Russian | HQ-1051032051 |
Kampiles, William – Espionage, Russian | HQ-0650076378 |
CG-0650005553 | |
Kaplan, Fred, Morris Birnbaum | HQ-0460010782 |
Kaplan, Nathan, NY Crime Boss, 1920s | HQ-0520000019 |
Kaplan, Nathan, NY Crime Boss, 1920s | HQ-0920001837 |
CG-0920000180 | |
Kaplan, Nathan, NY Crime Boss, 1920s | HQ-0730010600 |
Kappe, Walter | HQ-0980011449 |
Karpevicz, Francin Alvin (Alvin Karpis) | HQ-0070000576 |
Karpevicz, Francin Alvin (Alvin Karpis) | HQ-0070000979 |
Karpevicz, Francin Alvin (Alvin Karpis) | HQ-0260022977 |
Karpevicz, Francin Alvin (Alvin Karpis) | HQ-0260028915 |
Karpevicz, Francin Alvin (Alvin Karpis) | HQ-0320016384 |
Karpevicz, Francin Alvin (Alvin Karpis) | HQ-0910000569 |
Karpevicz, Francin Alvin (Alvin Karpis) | HQ-0620035975 |
Karpevicz, Francin Alvin (Alvin Karpis) | HQ-0620043010 |
Karpevicz, Francin Alvin (Alvin Karpis) | HQ-0760000585 |
Kaslow, Robert G. | HQ-0260060382 |
Kasper, John, School Integration 1959 | HQ-0620105095 |
Kassay, Paul F. – Sabotage | HQ-0440002925 |
Kassay, Paul F. – Sabotage | HQ-0620024821 |
Katangan Army, Recruitment in US | HQ-0020001741 |
NY-0020000594 | |
Katzen, Leon, Chicago Communist Party | HQ-0610007665 |
Katzen, Leon, Chicago Communist Party | HQ-1000345540 |
Kavaja, Nikola, Skyjacking & Serbian Natl | HQ-1740000477 |
Kawakita, Tom – US Citizenship | HQ-0610011398 |
LA-0610000670 | |
Keller, Abraham | HQ-1000204665 |
Keller, Abraham | HQ-1900017523 |
Keller, Abraham | SF-1000017771 |
Kelley, Clarence – FBI Director? | HQ-0620115698 |
Kelly, C.J. | HQ-0260000165 |
Kelly, George – Machine Gun Kelly | HQ-0070000115 |
Kelly, John H. – HUD Conspiracy | HQ-1470025607 |
LA-1470002112 | |
Kelly, Richard | HQ-0580010429 |
Kelly, Thomas Francis, George Francis | HQ-1680000087 |
Kendrick, McDowell Cole, Govt Inspector | HQ-1210043550 |
LA-1210006063 | |
Kennan, Barry W. – Sinatra Jr. Kidnapping | HQ-0070010603 |
LA-0070000840 | |
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald | HQ-0090037991 |
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald | HQ-0090037800 |
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald | HQ-0940037374 |
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald | HQ-0090039836 |
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald | HQ-0560002534 |
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald | HQ-1570000929 |
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald | HQ-0620109060 |
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald | HQ-0870138553 |
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald | HQ-0620107481 |
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald | HQ-0620107506 |
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald | HQ-0620108641 |
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald | HQ-1050111811 |
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald | HQ-0940037374 |
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald – Assassination | HQ-0620109060 |
Kennedy, Joseph P. | HQ-0940037808 |
Kennedy, Robert F. | HQ-0440024721 |
Kennedy, Robert F. | HQ-0620076943 |
Kennedy, Robert F. | HQ-1180005869 |
Kennedy, Robert F. | HQ-1200009166 |
Kennedy, Robert F. | HQ-0770051387 |
WFO-0770037011 | |
Kennedy, Robert F. | HQ-0440089006 |
Kennedy, Robert F. | HQ-1570000768 |
Kennedy, Robert F. | HQ-0890003213 |
Kennedy, Robert F. | HQ-0620107624 |
Kennedy, Robert F. | HQ-0620000587 |
Kennedy, Robert F. | HQ-0620109131 |
Kent State University Killings | HQ-0440045339 |
Kent, Rockwell | HQ-1210033595 |
Kent, Rockwell | HQ-1160025927 |
Kent, Rockwell | HQ-1050019153 |
Kent, Rockwell | HQ-0090019491 |
Kent, Rockwell | HQ-0940035339 |
Kent, Rockwell | HQ-0090019491 |
Kent, Rockwell | HQ-1000015145 |
Kent, Tyler | HQ-0650027850 |
Kenyatta, Muhammued -Donald W. Jackson | HQ-1570007782 |
JN-1570008542 | |
Kerenski, Alexander – President of Russia | HQ-1000154098 |
Kerley, Larry E. – Former FBI Agent | HQ-0580001548 |
Kibre, Jeff – Labor | HQ-0600003996 |
LA-0600000367 | |
Kibre, Jeff – Labor | HQ-0600003125 |
Kibre, Jeff – Labor | HQ-1220001727 |
Kiefer, Friedrich – German American Bund | HQ-1000049859 |
Kiesler, Hans – Leibman, JUPP | HQ-1000012352 |
Kiesler, Hans – Liebman, JUPP | HQ-0650000100 |
Kim, E.K. & Wong, Charles -gambling ring | HQ-1820003075 |
HN-1820000405 | |
LA-1820003075 | |
King, Carol Weiss, Atty for Communist Pty | HQ-062102963 |
King, Charles Louis | HQ-1790000758 |
AL-1790000082 | |
King, Martin Luther Jr. | HQ-1570006402 |
King, Martin Luther Jr. | HQ-1570005685 |
King, Martin Luther Jr. | HQ-1570000667 |
King, Martin Luther Jr. | HQ-1000106670 |
King, Martin Luther Jr. | HQ-1570001659 |
King, Martin Luther Jr. | HQ-1570000929 |
King, Martin Luther Jr. | HQ-1570002827 |
King, Martin Luther Jr. | HQ-1570004801 |
King, Martin Luther Jr. | HQ-1570008763 |
King, Martin Luther Jr. | HQ-0690000743 |
King, Martin Luther Jr. | HQ-0630008460 |
King, Martin Luther Jr. | HQ-0440019780 |
King, Martin Luther Jr. | HQ-0440013605 |
King, Martin Luther Jr. | HQ-0440038861 |
King, Martin Luther Jr. | HQ-0440025759 |
King, Martin Luther Jr. | HQ-1730000642 |
King, Martin Luther Jr. | HQ-1730000207 |
King, Martin Luther, Senior | HQ-1390001046 |
King, Rev. Edwin, Tougaloo College | HQ-0440032039 |
JN-0440001510 | |
King, Rev. Edwin, Tougaloo College | HQ-1760000929 |
JN-1760000006 | |
Kingsmen, Louie Louie Record | HQ-1450002961 |
NY-1450002338 | |
Kipnis, Ira A. | HQ-1000339121 |
Kirchwey, Freda – Feminist | HQ-1000079263 |
Kissenger, herman D. – Sedition, WW2 | HQ-1000040857 |
KC-1000000092 | |
Kissinger, Henry A. | HQ-1160448619 |
Kissinger, Henry A. | HQ-1610000424 |
Kissinger, Henry A. | HQ-0630016062 |
Kistiakowsky, George B. | HQ-1160021159 |
Kita, Nagao | HQ-1000062229 |
Kitt, Eartha | HQ-0620112009 |
Kitt, Eartha | LA-8700014432 |
Kitt, Eartha | LA-1000071239 |
Klan | HQ-1570034328 |
Klan | HQ-100007801 |
Klan | HQ-1000007254 |
Klan | HQ-1700000030 |
AT-1700000024 | |
Klan | HQ-1570031385 |
Klan – Ku Klux Klan | HQ-0440000001 |
Klan – Ku Klux Klan | HQ-0660003286 |
Klan – Ku Klux Klan | HQ-1000356570 |
Klan – Ku Klux Klan | HQ-1570018400 |
Klan, Florida Knights | HQ-1050038069 |
JK-1050000015 | |
Klan, Los Angeles | LA-1570000135 |
Klan, Los Angeles | LA-0440003786 |
Klan, Los Angeles | LA-1570011908 |
Klan, Los Angeles | LA-0610000157 |
Klan, Los Angeles | LA-1570002077 |
Klan, Los Angeles | LA-1570001051 |
Klan, Los Angeles | LA-1570000540 |
Klan, Los Angeles | LA-1570011572 |
Klan, Los Angeles | LA-1570000712 |
Klan, Los Angeles | LA-1000087416 |
Klan, Louisiana, 1920s | HQ-0440000018 |
Klan, Missouri, 1920s | HQ-0440000025 |
Klan, Original Knights versus U.S. | HQ-1730002015 |
NO-1730000201 | |
Klan, United Florida Knights, 1961 | HQ-1570000395 |
JK-1570000253 | |
Klan, Wichita Kansas | HQ-1570000018 |
Klans, United Klans of America | HQ-1570000370 |
BH-1570004602 | |
BH-1050000722 | |
Klans, United Klans of America | HQ-1570034581 |
MM-157000514 | |
Klapprott, August | HQ-0650028290 |
NK-0650001977 | |
Klapprott, August | HQ-0250080994 |
Kleindienst, Richard G. | HQ-0740002750 |
WFO-0740000314 | |
Kleindienst, Richard G. | PH-0620005616 |
Kleindienst, Richard G. | HQ-0620115389 |
PH-0620005421 | |
Kleindienst, Richard G. | HQ-0740002446 |
Kleindienst, Richard G. | HQ-1160342980 |
Kleindienst, Richard G. | HQ-0770106859 |
Kleindienst, Richard G. | HQ-1830000839 |
Kleindienst, Richard G. | HQ-0690000839 |
SD-0690000008 | |
Kleindienst, Richard G. | HQ-0630016163 |
Kleindienst, Richard G. | HQ-0620115454 |
PH-0620005420 | |
Kleindienst, Richard G. | HQ-1610008874 |
Kline, Herbert – Films 1930s | HQ-1000389307 |
Kline, Herbert – New Theater League | HQ-0610006156 |
Klose, Otto W. | HQ-0360001153 |
Knight, O.A. – Labor | HQ-1000105795 |
Knights of the White Camellia | HQ-0610007307 |
Knights of the White Camellia | HQ-0970000649 |
Knights of the White Camellia | HQ-0980006024 |
Knoop, Thodor Von – German Spies | HQ-0650001637 |
Koch, Irene – Nazi Party Representative | HQ-0610010605 |
Koedel, Maire H. – Espionage | HQ-0650020365 |
Kogyo, Nichibei – Film Re: Alien Property | HQ-1020000086 |
Kogyo, Nichibei – Film Re: Alien Property | HQ-10000069260 |
Kohlberg, Alfred | HQ-0020001275 |
Kohlberg, Alfred | HQ-0400022783 |
Koischnitz, Max Oscar – WW2 Treason | HQ-0610009477 |
Kolko, Gabriel | HQ-1050103504 |
Kolko, Gabriel | WFO-000046591 |
Kolko, Gabriel | PAR-1050011021 |
Koo, V.K. Wellington | HQ-0620077787 |
Korematsu, Fred -Japanese-Amer Crt Case | HQ-1000031040 |
Korematsu, Fred -Japanese-Amer Crt Case | HQ-1000110195 |
Kornfededder, Joseph Zack – CP 1920s-50s | HQ-1000221869 |
Kosseff, Jerone W. – Loyalty Issue | HQ-1210010311 |
NY-1210003588 | |
Kowalski, Joseph – Alleged Radical – 1920s | HQ-0610000636 |
Kraft, Joseph – Alleged Wiretap | HQ-0620115682 |
Kramer, Dale | HQ-1000423359 |
Kramer, Lawrence F. Jr. – Mayor | HQ-1610007118 |
NK-1610001491 | |
Kramer, Morton Joseph | HQ-0470008170 |
Kranz, Carl | HQ-0650038075 |
Kranz, Carl | HQ-1000012969 |
Kranz, Carl | HQ-0650008946 |
Kranz, Carl | HQ-1000000605 |
Kranz, Carl | HQ-1020000020 |
NK-1020000746 | |
Krauchenko, Victor | HQ-1000275683 |
NY-1000059596 | |
Kremen, Shirley | HQ-1000404458 |
Krepper, Carl Emil L. | HQ-0980015929 |
NY-0650011352 | |
NK-0650002749 | |
Kress, Jack Edward – Gambling Mach. | HQ-1620000287 |
OC-1620000014 | |
Kriegh, Willard Stacey | HQ-1210024118 |
Krug, Hans Peter | HQ-0390001150 |
DE-1000003531 | |
SA-1000002632 | |
Krull, George, Michael Krull | HQ-0070007548 |
Kuchel, Senator Thomas H. | HQ-1570000750 |
LA-0090002826 | |
Kuchel, Senator Thomas H. | HQ-0620098689 |
SD-0660000587 | |
Kuchel, Senator Thomas H. | HQ-1610010510 |
Kuchel, Senator Thomas H. | LA-0320000656 |
Kuczynski, Irene Margaret, OC-NJ | HQ-1790000463 |
NK-1790000233 | |
Kudzu – The Underground Newspaper | HQ-1000451198 |
Kudzu – The Underground Newspaper | JN-1000001236 |
Kuehn, Bernard Julius O, Subver. WW2 | HQ-0650001574 |
HN-0650000004 | |
Kunstler, William A – Activist Attorney | HQ-1000439612 |
NY-1000146994 | |
SJ-1000007007 | |
Kunze, Gerhard W. | HQ-0650013582 |
Kushner, Samuel – Underground in CP | HQ-1000036733 |
CG-1000002748 | |
Kuter, Laurence sherman – security question | HQ-1160395974 |
Kyffhaeuser Bund – Denaturalization | HQ-0650012352 |