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Secret No More: C



Write the FBI and request, by name and file number, the one or ones you are interested in under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (5 USC 552). For best results use our sample letter as a template. The FBI’s address is:

Records Information Dissemination Section
170 Marcel Drive
Winchester, VA 22602-4843

If you are requesting files on an individual you will need to include the individual’s birth date and proof that the individual is deceased or is more than 110 years old. Acceptable proof could be a copy of an obituary, death notice, news story, Social Security Death Index (SSDI) record printout, or encyclopedia entry. Wikipedia is not acceptable to the FBI.

List which files you want, mention if you are a member of the press, and tell the FBI that you agree to pay reasonable fees up to $30 without additional permission so that they can process your request. In some cases, members of the media can request and receive a waiver of fees otherwise charged under FOIA. To receive a fee waiver, members of the media must explain to the FBI how release of the information will further public understanding of how government works, and how you intend to disseminate that information. Standard copying fees for FBI Freedom of Information material are 10¢/page, with the first 100 pages free. Again, we urge you to use our carefully worded sample letter as a template.

The information contained in
Secret No More
was obtained and developed by:

Michael J. Ravnitzky

Cabinet Comm. to Combat Terror. HQ-0620115360
Caffie Michael – 1st Draft Precedent HQ-0250011937
Cagle, Charles HQ-1570001145
Cagle, Charles HQ-0870109992
Cagle, Charles HQ-0760001532
Cagle, Charles HQ-0420021049
Cahaba Coal Mining Co, Shelby–Al HQ-1220000136
Cairws Alexander Rev RRO Jap Min HQ-0970000036
Calif V George M Hebonian Extort HQ-0920011608
Caifornia Rangers HQ-1570000192
Callan Hugh, Notorious Offender BP HQ-0140000998
Callan, Hugh HQ-0150030225
Cambridge Neighborh. Comm/Vnam HQ-1000448284
Camejo Peter — SWP Pres Cand 26 HQ-1000431511
Camejo, Peter HQ-1900000112
Camejo, Peter HQ-1970001445
Camejo, Peter HQ-1970000111
Camejo, Peter HQ-0440068418
Camejo, Peter HQ-0250567788
Camejo, Peter HQ-1760001477
Camp Midvale, N.J.-CPUSA Trng. HQ-0650015377
Campbell, Clarice-Tougaloo College HQ-1000044701
Campbell, Clarice HQ-1900012799
Campbell, Clarice HQ-1730000763
Campbell, Clarice HQ-0180001607
Campbell, Clarice-Tougaloo College HQ-1730000765
Campbell, Clarice HQ-1730000766
Campbell, Clarice HQ-1730000764
Cannon, James P. –Founder SWP HQ-1000159214
Cannon, James P. HQ-1380003006
Cannery and Agricultur. Wrkrs IU HQ-1000021497
Capasso Pasquale Pat–Org Crime HQ-0260441449
Capasso Pasquale HQ-0870017999
Capasso, Pasquale HQ-0260439763
Capasso, Pasquale HQ-0150041411
Capasso, Pasquale HQ-0870135258
Capasso, Pasquale HQ-0870134109
CAPBOM-Bombing of US Capitol HQ-1740001891
Capone, Al HQ-0230004434
Capone, Al HQ-0260018103
Capone, Al HQ-0320015941
Capone, Al HQ-0410000084
Capone, Al HQ-0620028933
Capone, Al HQ-0690000180
Capone, Al HQ-0620039128
Capone, Ralph–Chicago Mobster HQ-0920003001
Capone, Ralph HQ-0930020901
Capone, Ralph HQ-0620091011
Capone, Ralph HQ-0620027576
Caponigaro, Antonio–TonyBananas HQ-0630000981
Carey, Iliff Warren HQ-0670211537
Carey, James–Elect. Wrkrs Union HQ-0620062426
Cargill, Inc. – Grain Co. HQ-0580009158
Cargill, Inc. HQ-1200011549
Cargill, Inc. HQ-2000005359
Cargill, Inc. HQ-0150063109
Cargill, Inc. HQ-0250299904
Cargill, Inc. HQ-0460009519
Cargill, Inc. HQ-0520028171
Cargill, Inc. HQ-0580003716
Cargill, Inc. HQ-0600006904
Cargill, Inc. – Grain Co. HQ-0710006099
Cargill, Inc. HQ-0830000956
Cargill, Inc. HQ-0950152950
Cargill, Inc. HQ-0950160906
Cargill, Inc. HQ-0980023661
Cargill, Inc. HQ-0980033376
Cargill, Inc. HQ-0990006774
Cargill, Inc. HQ-0600003438
Cargill, Inc. HQ-0620063146
Cargill, Inc. HQ-1050152950
Cargill, Inc. HQ-0980025736
Carlson Grace-Comm.Trotskyist Ldr HQ-1000004794
Carlson, Grace HQ-0730014643
Carmichael, Stokely HQ-1570015364
Carmichael, Stokely HQ-1000446080
Carmichael, Stokely HQ-0250539590
Carmichael, Stokely HQ-0440033352
Carmichael, Stokely HQ-0440033352
Carmichael, Stokely HQ-0440026288
Carmichael, Stokely HQ-0090050541
Carmichael, Stokely HQ-0090048077
Carmichael, Stokely HQ-0090045763
Carmichael, Stokely HQ-0090047129
Carmichael, Stokely HQ-0440033627
Carmichael, Stokely HQ-0440033381
Carmichael, Stokely HQ-1740000426
Carmichael, Stokely HQ-0090044386
Carmichael, Stokely HQ-0090045652
Caruthers, Blanche HQ-0470016574
Carroll, Tommy — 1930s Gangster HQ-0910000057
Carroll, Tommy HQ-0260034834
Carroll, Tommy HQ-0710002913
Carroll, Tommy HQ-0260010835
Carroll, Tommy HQ-0660017662
Carroll, Tommy HQ-0520059313
Carroll, Tommy HQ-0260168541
Carroll, Tommy HQ-0420066609
Carroll, Tommy HQ-0260214190
Carroll, Tommy HQ-0870068291
Carter, Asa HQ-1570001043
Carter, Asa HQ-1900009762
Carter, Asa HQ-0140002913
Carter, Asa HQ-1000203422
Carter Warehouse Inc.–Plains GA HQ-0290085987
Casale, Leo Enrico – ITAR Gambling HQ-1720000023
Castro, Fidel HQ-1090000539
Catena, Gerardo HQ-1830002548
Catena, Gerardo HQ-1900003430
Catena, Gerardo HQ-0630000408
Catena, Gerardo HQ-0620023825
Catena, Gerardo HQ-0600001501
Caudle I Lamar-Not. Off. Bu Pris. HQ-0580004210
Caudle I Lamar HQ-0580002685
Caudle I Lamar HQ-0940036058
Caudle I Lamar HQ-0580002803
Caudle I Lamar HQ-0740001527
Caudle I Lamar HQ-0580002959
Caudle I Lamar HQ-0770010410
Cazdem, Norman HQ-1000035801
Central Japanese Assn of America HQ-1000030969
Centro de Accion Social Antonomo HQ-1050225465
Chafee, Zachariah, Jr. HQ-0650053049
Chafee, Zachariah, Jr. HQ-1900023744
Chafee, Zachariah, Jr. HQ-0610004262
Chafee, Zachariah, Jr. HQ-0650000291
Chametzky, Jules HQ-1000393556
Chambers, Whitaker HQ-0740001333
Chambers, Whitaker HQ-1000025824
Chambers, Whitaker HQ-0650045402
Chandler, Douglas — WW2 Treason HQ-1000032784
Chandler, Douglas HQ-1000303780
Chandler, Douglas HQ-1900030875
Chandler, Harry HQ-1000002499
Chandler, Otis – LA News Publisher HQ Cross References
Chandler, Otis HQ Cross References
Chamberlain, John R. HQ-0770014608
Chamberlain, John R. HQ-0440086359
Chamberlain, John R. HQ-0670311612
Chambliss, Robert HQ-1570001259
Chaney, James -1964 Miss. Murders HQ-1900032799
Chaney, James HQ-0440025706
Chanler, William C. – Lawyer HQ-0770007993
Chanler, William C. HQ-0740001379
Chaplin, Charlie HQ-1000127090
Chaplin, Charlie HQ-0310068496
Chasanow, Abraham HQ-1210043199
Chasanow, Abraham HQ-1000352291
Chasanow, Abraham HQ-1000007321
Chase, Vivian HQ-0070000088
Chavez, Caesar HQ-1390002387
Chavez, Caesar HQ-0440041493
Chavez, Caesar HQ-1050157123
Chavez, Caesar HQ-0090048291
Chavez, Frank -Teamster Racketeer HQ-0920006683
Chavez, Frank HQ-0630007189
Chavez, Frank HQ-0760036095
Chavez, Frank HQ-0510000479
Chavez, Frank HQ-0630008963
Chavez, Frank HQ-1590000757
Chavez, Frank HQ-1050106633
Check Valve Lottery HQ-0710001082
Cherakova, Lucy Ludmilla HQ-0310050643
Cherakova, Lucy Ludmilla HQ-0650010257
Check Cashing Ring OPR ACRS St. HQ-0870129678
Chernyayev, Rudolf – UN Personnel HQ-1050309918
Chernyayev, Rudolf HQ-1050195363
Chicago Assoc. of Candy Jobbers HQ-0600000287
Chevalier, Haakan HQ-1000018564
Chevalier, Haakan HQ-1900010291
Chicago Tribune Newspaper HQ-0650077501
Chicago Tribune HQ-0650039945
Chicago Tribune HQ-0650064137
Chicago Tribune HQ-0920002337
Chicago Tribune HQ-0090063399
Chicago Tribune HQ-0320015918
Chicago Tribune HQ-0600002853
Chicago Tribune HQ-0090038720
Chicano Liberation Front HQ-1050209116
Child Development Group of Miss. HQ-1000444326
Child Development Group of Miss. HQ-0460055609
Child Development Group of Miss. HQ-0440037723
Chill, Edward Arthur HQ-0250207987
Chinese IN U.S. — Students HQ-1050060238
Chino Robert — Draft Evader HQ-0250075811
Chomsky, Noam HQ-0620118250
Chomsky, Noam HQ-1000449054
Chomsky, Noam HQ-0250562162
Chotiner, Murray HQ-0630000051
Christian Front – 903040SUB903
Christian Front HQ-0090005020
Christian Front HQ-0090005833
Christian Front HQ-0090006879
Christian Front HQ-0650004279
Christian Front HQ-0980001350
Christian Front SportClub 10003074
Christians, George W HQ-1020000046
Christians, George W. HQ-1020000019
Christoffel, Harold HQ-1000004775
Cianfrani, Henry J.–RICO HQ-1830000661
Cities Services Co–Campaign Contr. HQ-0560004733
Citizens For Constitutional Compl. HQ-1570033487
Citizens Protective League-Org.1936 HQ-1050024137
Citizens Union HQ-1000012941
Civiletti, Benjamin HQ-0770090844
Civil Rights Investigations, Handling HQ-0660086966
Civil Rights Bombing HQ-0440026819
Civil Rights Commission HQ-0620105210
Civil Rights Cases Rec’d Fr Atlanta HQ-0440004978
Civil Rights Congress HQ-0610010149
Civil Rights Congress HQ-0090018056
Clark, Robert HQ-1700003273
Clark, Robert 44011292Serial239
Clark, Edward Young 1920KKKLdr
Clark, Edward Young HQ-0360001848
Clay, Cassius –Mohammed Ali HQ-0090044386
Clay, Cassius –Mohammed Ali HQ-0920007389
Clay, Cassius –Mohammed Ali HQ-1720000031
Clay, Cassius –Mohammed Ali HQ-1720000006
Clay, Cassius –Mohammed Ali HQ-0870120467
Clay, Cassius –Mohammed Ali HQ-1000436351
Clay, Cassius –Mohammed Ali HQ-0250531360
Clay, Cassius –Mohammed Ali HQ-1000154786
Clay, Cassius –Mohammed Ali HQ-0090041997
Cleaver, Eldridge HQ-1000447251
Cleaver, Eldridge HQ-0440039665
Cleaver, Eldridge HQ-0520089420
Cleaver, Eldridge HQ-1760000989
Cleveland, Heber Kimball HQ-0310068437
Clubb, Oliver Edmund HQ-1210022998
Clubb, Oliver Edmund HQ-0650058994
Clubb, Oliver Edmund HQ-0770082938
Cobb, Helen HQ-1000408550
Cechione, Peter Y. HQ-1000350024
Coffin, William Sloan HQ-0440041697
Coffin, William Sloan HQ-0250549807
Coffin, William Sloan HQ-1610001297
Coffin, William Sloan HQ-1000451782
Coffin, William Sloan HQ-1180003544
Cohen, Michael — Mickey HQ-0920003156
COINTEL-Cointelpro HQ-0620116009
COINTELPRO NY-1000129802
COINTELPRO HQ-1000448006
COINTELPRO New Left HQ-1000449698
Cointelpro New Left – Hate Groups HQ-1570000009
Cointelpro New Left – Cuba HQ-1050099938
Cointelpro – SWP HQ-6201174550755
Cointelpro – Soviet Bloc HQ-0650069260
Cointelpro – General File HQ-0620116009
Cointelpro – Mississippi HQ-1000448006
Cointelpro Targets HQ-1000097856
Cointelpro – against UKA Fl. MM-157-00001114
Cole, Kendrick M. HQ-1210043550
Cole, Lester – Hollywood Liberal HQ-1000002230
Cole, Lester HQ-1000138754
Cole, Lester HQ-0460016420
Cole, Lester HQ-1050227354
Cole, Lester HQ-1900020925
Cole, Nat King – Nathanial HQ-1000379380
Colen, Fabian Jesus HQ-1010006498
Colepaugh, William Curtis HQ-0650025519
Colgate Palmolive Peet Industr. Esp. HQ-0940049644
Colgate Palmolive Peet HQ-1630047949
Colgate Palmolive Peet HQ-1730011507
Colgate Palmolive Peet HQ-0950227051
Colgate Palmolive Peet HQ-0150083359
Colgate Palmolive Peet HQ-0870013814
Collazo, Rosa HQ-0030000041
Collazo, Rosa HQ-0030000036
Collazo, Rosa HQ-0090025706
Collazo, Rosa HQ-1050027058
Collazo, Rosa HQ-620772106555
Collin, Frank – Nazi Cooperation HQ-1570010840
Collinwood, Charles-CBS Newsman HQ-1000362228
College Insulated Wire HQ-0460002976
Colombo, Joseph — Crime Figure HQ-0920005509
Colombo, Joseph HQ-0260332338
Colombo, Joseph HQ-0920012063
Colombo, Joseph HQ-1370008947
Colombo, Joseph HQ-1820000023
Colored American Natural Organizat. HQ-1000129633
Colored American Natural Organizat. HQ-1000006582
Columbia Tennessee Race Riot 1946 HQ-0440001366
Columbia Univ. Student Strike 68 HQ-0980046357
Columbia Student Strike 1968 HQ-0980046383
Columbia Student Strike HQ-9401SUB2846
Comer George Wallace HQ-0650057412
Comex Committee on Exchange DCI HQ-1740006797
Comex Committee on Exchange DCI HQ-0620116372
Cominfil – predated COINTELPRO HQ-1050285064
Cominfil HQ-0660000004
Cominfil HQ-0660005226
Cominfil HQ-0660002554
Cominfil SCLC HQ-1000438794
Cominfil SDS HQ-1000439048
Cominfil SDS NY-10000148047
Cominform HQ-1000353813
Commager, Henry Steele HQ-1000014160
Commission, The HQ-1370007627
Commission, The HQ-0620101916
Commission on Government HQ-0620101916
Committee to Aid Monroe Defendents HQ-1000436091
Comm. Of Concerned Asian Scholars HQ-1050192628
Comm for Maritime Unity HQ-1000347136
Comm for the Nation HQ-0620031831
Comm of One Million HQ-1000057453
Comm of One Million HQ-0970005601
Comm of One Million HQ-640200SUB2460K
Committee for Cultural Freedom HQ-1000115040
Committee for Constitutional Govt HQ-0620060629
Committee for Constitutional Govt HQ-1190000019
Committee for Constitutional Govt HQ-1000070373
Commonwealth College Mena Ark HQ-0610006156
Communist Infiltration FBI HQ-1000097391
Communit Infilt. FBI HQ-66017404SER25
Communist Infilt. In the Radio Indus. HQ-1000340922
Communist Infiltration of Unions HQ-0610007562
Communist Infilt. Of the USWA CIO HQ-1000062018
CP Infiltration of Presidio Hill H.S. HQ-1000422783
Comm. Influen.- Black Ext. Groups HQ-1000442529
CPUSA Negro Question HQ-1000000003
Commun. Infiltr. Of ILWU CIO HQ-1000052123
CPUSA District 8 ILLOIND HQ-10003SUB69
CPUSA Legal Notice HQ-10003SUB74
CP Member Union A. Lincoln Brig. HQ-1000344688
CPUSA HQ-1000000003
CPUSA LA-10000016724
CPUSA Funds HQ-1000074560
Comm. Party General Acct HQ-0610007559
Communist Party – Ecuador HQ-1050146795
Communist Party Foreign General HQ-0640000200
Communist Labor Party – USNA HQ-1000452657
Communist Party – France HQ-620200SUB231
Communist Party USA Voorhes Act HQ-1020000002
Communist Party District Four DC WF-01000000421
Communist Party USA Membership AT-1000004457
CPUSA Leaders-Smith Act Trials 49 NY-1000081752
Communist Party Activities WF-01000000421
Communist Party of Mexico MEX-1000000601
Head of CPUSA in New York State NY-1000005106
Communist Party LA Control File LA-1000001763
Communist Party LA Control File LA-1050046193
Communist Party New York State HQ-1000128314
Communist Party of Puerto Rico HQ-640200SUB48
COMSAB HQ-0980006187
Computerized Telephone # File HQ-1620003491
Concord Two HQ-1570033253
Condon, Edward Uhler HQ-0620058854
Condon, Edward Uhler HQ-1160000624
Condon, Edward Uhler HQ-1210002673
Condon, Edward Uhler HQ-0090026108
Congress of African People – Bla Ext HQ-1570016554
Congress of Industrial Organizations HQ-1000033049
Congress of Industrial Organizations HQ-0560005050
Congress of Industrial Organizations HQ-1950000167
Congress on Racial Equality HQ-1000225892
Congress on Racial Equality HQ-1570003740
Congress of Racial Equality HQ-1960000264
Congress on Racial Equality HQ-0020002126
CORE HQ-0090059000
CORE HQ-0090059932
CORE HQ-0620112989
CORE HQ-1000225892
Connally, John HQ-161-68
  1 WFO-750000297
Connally, John HQ-089-4492
Connally, John HQ-046-66693
Connally, John WFO-1160051963
Connections HQ-1050163450
Connecticut White Slave Ring HQ-0310042685
Connelly, M.J. NOT OFF BOP HQ-0760016338
Connelly, M.J. NOP OFF BOP HQ-0250243871
Conner, Richard HQ-0700000004
Connor, T. Eugene – Bull Connor HQ-0090026769
Connor, T. Eugene – Bull Connor HQ-0460019981
Connor, T. Eugene – Bull Connor HQ-0440019726
Connor, T. Eugene – Bull Connor HQ-0440013501
Connor, T. Eugene – Bull Connor HQ-0440016495
Connor, T. Eugene – Bull Connor HQ-1570001203
Connor, T. Eugene – Bull Connor HQ-0620109900
Connor, T. Eugene – Bull Connor HQ-0620097856
Connor, T. Eugene – Bull Connor HQ-1000135SUB4SER365
Const. Lib. IMF Center of Commun. HQ-1000435849
Constitutionalist Party HQ-1000300772
Contemporary Writers HQ-1000345198
Continental Grain Company HQ-0920016967
Continental Grain Company HQ-1740007953
Continental Grain Company HQ-2050000032
Continental Grain Company HQ-0600003438
Continental Grain Company HQ-0150057551
Continental Grain Company HQ-0620015510
Continental Grain Company HQ-1200000388
Continental Grain Company HQ-0400046099
Continental Grain Company HQ-0460020451
Conyers, John – Black Congressman HQ-0870026189
Conyers, John HQ-0940065562
Conyers, John HQ-0440023627
Conyers, John HQ-1730001906
Conyers, John HQ-0890004613
Conyers, John HQ-0560005242
Conyers, John HQ-0890003378
Conyers, John HQ-1000383849
Conyers, John HQ-1000457800
Conyers, John HQ-1940000782
Conyers, John HQ-1940000782
Conyers, John HQ-1900011655
Conyers, John HQ-0890003083
Conyers, John HQ-0460069901
Conyers, John HQ-0090064939
Cook, Earl Theodore HQ-1490005207
Cook, Earl Theodore HQ-1900011401
Cook, Frederick or Fredrick A. HQ-0360000216
Cook, Frederick or Fredrick A. HQ-0730006898
Cook, Frederick or Fredrick A. HQ-0670779112
Cooper, D.B. Hijacker HQ-1640002111
Cooper, D.B. Hijacker HQ-1640005137
Cook, William Hubert HQ-1050030922
Copland, Aaron HQ-1000370562
Coplon, Judith – espionage HQ-0650058365
Coplon, Judith – espionage HQ-0770028980
Coplon, Judith – espionage HQ-1210015051
Coplon, Judith – espionage HQ-0650058068
Coplon, Judith – espionage HQ-6201166075SERIAL1
COPMAT – ill. prod. & Sale HQ-0280003125
Copstein, Seymour HQ-1000115592
Coralli, Larry Dean – RICO HQ-1830001269
Corbett, Joseph Jr. HQ-0070009575
Corbett, Joseph Jr. HQ-0070017788
Cordo, Vito J. HQ-0150018166
Cordo, Vito J. HQ-0150016323
Cordo, Vito J. HQ-0150018083
Cordo, Vito J. HQ-0150019295
Corruption of Public Offic Qtr Sur HQ-1940000359
Corr of Public Officials LA Cty Fil HQ-1940000019
Cort, Joseph HQ-1000357008
Cort, Joseph HQ-0250381199
Costello, Frank HQ-0920002869
Costello, Frank HQ-0930020566
Costello, Frank HQ-0050000220
Costello, Frank HQ-0460020489
Costello, Frank HQ-0580002392
Costello, Frank HQ-0870000030
Costello, Frank HQ-0900000224
Costello, Frank HQ-0620076543
Costello, Frank HQ-0900000305
Costello, Frank HQ-0900000252
Costello, Frank HQ-0900000217
Costello, Frank HQ-0740001400
Costello, Frank HQ-0740001418
Costello, Frank HQ-1370008850
Costello, Frank HQ-1210032800
Costello, Frank HQ-0510000262
Costello, Frank HQ-0020001274
Costello, Frank HQ-0510000401
Costello, Frank HQ-1070001514
Costello, Frank HQ-0620076543
Costello, Frank HQ-0390001616
Costello, Frank HQ-1370008952
Couchois, James Oruille HQ-1000152477
Costigan, Howard-Prof Univ Wash HQ-1000037169
Costigan, Howard HQ-6107582SERIAL3646
Costigan, Howard HQ-1000368185SERIAL17
Costigan, Howard HQ-100190625SWB50SER4
Costigan, Howard HQ-1610691SERIAL15
Costigan, Howard HQ-065064250SERIAL187
Coughlin, Charles E. HQ-0620041602
Coughlin, Charles E. HQ-0610006956
Coughlin, Charles E. HQ-0650004279
Coughlin, Charles E. HQ-0090001213
Coughlin, Charles E. HQ-0090016759
Council of Atomic Implementation HQ-1000353581
Coughlin, John –Seattle Lawyer HQ-1000009730
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440029905
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440029685
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440029136
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440028428
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440026145
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0560003947
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440030469
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440028405
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440028362
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440027946
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440027220
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440027189
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440026990
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440026895
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440026789
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440026145
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440028278
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440025958
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440027367
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440028231
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440028241
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440029008
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0440029024
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-1730000821
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-1730001091
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-1570001864
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-1570001321
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-0620109384
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-1570001917
Council of Federated Organ – 1964 HQ-1570002053
Council on Africa Affairs HQ-1000069266
Counterattack HQ-0940066226
Counterattack HQ-1000350512
Counterattack HQ-0470038366
Counterfence HQ-0870141066
Cowles, Gardiner – newspaper publ. HQ-1240008341
Cowles, Gardiner – newspaper publ. HQ-0870113254
Cowles, Gardiner – newspaper publ. HQ-0620060527
Cowles, Gardiner – newspaper publ. HQ-0770067720
Cowles, Gardiner – newspaper publ. HQ-1050047680
Cowles, Gardiner – newspaper publ. HQ-620102561SER58
Cowley, Malcolm HQ-0770014410
Cowley, Malcolm HQ-1000362827
Cox, Donald Lee – Black Panther Pty HQ-1570009746
Cox, Henry McNutt HQ-0700012090
Craft, Juanita – Early NAACP Leader HQ-0310073987
Craighead, Harry Marvin HQ-0250077082
Craighead, Harry Marvin HQ-1050139537
Criminal Influence in Labor Organ. HQ-0630006466
Cronin, John Father HQ-0940035404
Crosby, George Wilbur HQ-0020000722
Crouch, Paul HQ-0650062553
Crouch, Paul HQ-0610006547
Crown Savings Bnk, Newport News HQ-0940057090
Crusade for Justice HQ-1050178283
Cuban Exile Terrorism HQ-1000474081
Coordination of United Revol. Org. HQ-1050304390
Cuban Nationalist Movement HQ-0970004194
Cullazo, Oscar HQ-0030000036
Cullazo, Oscar SJ-00300005
Cunningham, Howard Lee HQ-1400040178
Cunningham, Howard Lee HQ-1000456784
Curley, James M., Boston Mayor HQ-0460008377
Curley, James Michael HQ-1010007013
Curley, James Michael HQ-0460002435
CINAL- Current Intelligence Analys. HQ-1000422089
Curtis, George Leroy HQ-0270000059
Cushing, Richard –Cardinal HQ-0620098033
Cushing, Richard –Cardinal HQ-1050119467
Custodial Detention Program- CDP HQ-1000000002
Custodial Detention Program- CDP HQ-0670080010
Custodial Detention Program- CDP HQ-0670149000
Custodial Detention Program- CDP HQ-0660001723
Curran, Joseph Edward HQ-0610007476
Curran, Joseph Edward HQ-1560000331
Curran, Joseph Edward HQ-0090018507
Currie, Joseph Edward HQ-0650056402
Currie, Joseph Edward HQ-1010003616
Comm. to Save the Children of Miss. HQ-1570008853
Cuba Foreign Counterintelligence HQ-1050128198
Criminal Element NY-1370001083
Corden, Richard Guy – POW Korea HQ-1000412515
Corden, Richard Guy – POW Korea DN-0610000395
Corden, Richard Guy – POW Korea BS-0610000268
Cowart, William Alton – POW Korea HQ-0610011551
Cowart, William Alton – POW Korea OLR-0610000038